The Effects of Road Transportation on Cattle and Calves
Author: Philipzen, Rosemary Published: 2000 Description: Animal Welfare essay on the welfare implications of transporting cattle by road.
Author: Philipzen, Rosemary Published: 2000 Description: Animal Welfare essay on the welfare implications of transporting cattle by road.
Author: Rigby, Melissa Published: 2009 Description: Examines the welfare of dairy cattle, refering to organic farming practices and the management of mastitis and lameness.
Author: Lurie, Jenna Published: 2009 Description: Examines how positive treatment towards dairy cows in the form of stroking can improve animal welfare and the human-animal bond.
Author: Fiani, Nadine Published: 2003 Description: Examines the probable effects that factors such as bedding material, floor friction and space allowance, may have on the resting behaviour and welfare of dairy cows.
Author: Fitzgerald, Louise Published: 2003 Description: Looks at ways of improving the welfare of intensively farmed cattel. Two approaches are discussed: reducing heat stress and providing environmewntal enrichment.
Author: Giblin, Fiona Published: 2003 Description: Investigates the effects of different housing environments on behaviour, performance and health, and more specifically, the effect of housing on lying behaviour.
Author: Ingenhoff, Luke Published: 2004 Description: Looks at three studies that have investigated the way in which cattle react to a variety of handling techniques.
Author: Drew, Melissa Published: 2000 Description: Looks at ways of reducing the pain and stress of calf dehorning, a common husbandry practice.
Author: Egan, Siobhan Published: 2005 Description: Looks at studies that have attempted to improve animal welfare by evaluating the causes of stress in transported cattle, with the aim of improving standard practice.
Author: Coggins, Sally Published: 2005 Description: Discusses the assessment of fear in cattle, and its implications in animal welfare.