Environmental enrichment and its applications in broiler welfare
Author: Maguire, Patrick Published: 2004 Description: Animal Welfare essay – broiler welfare and environmetnal enrichment.
Author: Maguire, Patrick Published: 2004 Description: Animal Welfare essay – broiler welfare and environmetnal enrichment.
Author: Leong, Matthew Published: 2005 Description: Animal Welfare essay – providing improved housing for laying hens.
Author: Morton, Briar Published: 2006 Description: Animal Welfare essay – improving housing to enhance welfare of laying hens.
Author: Ling, Monika Published: 2009 Description: Looks at current research that suggests that feather pecking in laying hens can be reduced through changes in housing conditions to improve hen welfare. RSPCA Australia Poultry Welfare Science Prize 2009
Author: Iskandar, IY Published: 2002 Description: Highlights the causes of leg problems in broilers and the welfare implications.
Author: Hughes, Jesse Published: 2005 Description: Explores whether beak trimming is the best means to reducing feather pecking and cannabilism in farmed poultry.
Author: Crowter, Philippa Published: 2007 Description: Animal Welfare Essay: Looks at ways in which diet, stocking density, flock size, management and other factors combine in the development of feather pecking in laying hens.
Author: Deall, David Published: 2007 Description: Animal Welfare Essay: Developments in the welfare of laying hens in caged and non-caged systems
Author: Wallace, Jessica Published: 2007 Description: Animal Welfare Essay: Looks at chicken welfare and the practice of beak trimming. Examines alternative methods to reduce the pain of beak trimming.
Author: Cohn-Urbach, Margaret Published: 2007 Description: Examines possible changes to the current stunning methods to improve the welfare of broiler chickens at slaughter.